Book Review: "Not in Love" by Ali Hazelwood

Ali Hazelwood’s latest novel, "Not in Love," has garnered attention for its heartfelt exploration of romance intertwined with themes of resilience and healing.

Book Review: "Not in Love" by Ali Hazelwood
"Not in Love" by Ali Hazelwood

Ali Hazelwood’s latest novel, "Not in Love," has garnered attention for its heartfelt exploration of romance intertwined with themes of resilience and healing. In this review, we’ll delve into the intricacies of Hazelwood’s storytelling, examining how she balances emotional depth with the charm of a romantic narrative.


"Not in Love" introduces us to Rue and Eli, two characters navigating the aftermath of personal traumas while grappling with the complexities of finding love and connection in unexpected ways. Unlike Hazelwood’s previous rom-coms, this novel takes a more serious tone, addressing themes such as grief, food insecurity, and the lasting impacts of neglect. However, amidst these challenges, the promise of a satisfying romance remains a central theme.


Rue, the protagonist, is portrayed as intelligent and dedicated, yet deeply affected by her past. Her journey of self-discovery and healing forms the backbone of the narrative, making her a character readers can empathize with and root for. Eli, equally compelling, mirrors Rue’s struggles, adding a layer of vulnerability that enhances their evolving relationship. Their chemistry is palpable, and their shared journey through grief and healing resonates profoundly throughout the story.


The plot of "Not in Love" unfolds against the backdrop of professional uncertainty for Rue and her best friend Tisha, as their company undergoes financial upheaval. This setting serves as a catalyst for Rue and Eli’s burgeoning relationship, which initially begins as a coping mechanism for their individual traumas. As their connection deepens, the story explores their personal battles with grief, loss, and the scars of neglect, weaving a narrative that is both engaging and emotionally resonant.


Central to "Not in Love" are themes of grief and healing. Hazelwood portrays these themes with sensitivity, showcasing how Rue and Eli’s past experiences shape their present actions and relationships. Additionally, the novel addresses heavier topics like food insecurity and child neglect, grounding the story in a realism that adds depth to the characters’ arcs and eventual triumphs.

Writing Style

Ali Hazelwood’s writing style in "Not in Love" is characterized by its poignancy and wit. She deftly balances weighty themes with moments of levity, ensuring the narrative never feels overwhelming. The dialogue is sharp, the pacing is well-crafted, and Hazelwood’s ability to evoke raw emotion makes the novel a compelling read from start to finish.


In conclusion, "Not in Love" stands out as a powerful addition to Ali Hazelwood’s repertoire. While departing from her lighter rom-com style, Hazelwood delivers a story that resonates with emotional depth and a satisfying exploration of love amidst adversity. Whether you’re a fan of contemporary romance or drawn to narratives that delve into the complexities of human emotion, "Not in Love" is a must-read.

Final Thoughts

I highly recommend "Not in Love" to anyone seeking a thought-provoking contemporary romance that doesn’t shy away from life’s darker realities. Ali Hazelwood once again proves her prowess as a storyteller, crafting characters that feel authentic and a narrative that lingers long after the final page. Have you read "Not in Love"? Share your thoughts in the comments below—I’d love to hear your perspective on this captivating novel.